2017, Troop Talk
I’m honored to be here today in this beautiful country, home of the extraordinary people of Japan. Japan is a treasured partner and crucial ally of the United States. And today we thank them for welcoming us and for decades of wonderful friendship between our two nations. Americans have deep respect and admiration for the people of Japan - their amazing culture, their strong spirit, and their very proud history. So, on behalf of the United States of America, I send the warmest wishes of the American people to the citizens of this remarkable country.
[...] Our travels across Asia will take us to many historic places to see many wonderful sights, and to speak before many audiences. But there is no single place I’d rather begin my trip than right here, with all of you – the incredible men and women of the United States military – and your amazing partners, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Thank you for being here. Thank you.
To everyone here today who serves your country in uniform : Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We salute you [...] We salute you, we honor you, ans we stand proudly with the men and women who defend us and our way of life. Nations are built from the courage, love, and sacrifice of patriots just like you.
Each of you inherits the proud legacy of generations of warriors that have walked these very grounds for more than seven decades. From Yokota’s runways, American pilots took to the air and drove back the invaders during the Korean War. Tremendous courage. Tremendous bravery. From here, they enforced a precious peace during a long and bitter Cold War. And in the aftermath of the devastating 2011 tsunami, this base served as the launching point for Operation Tomodachi – the largest humanitarian relief effort in American history, which saved the lives of thousands and thousands of great Japanese citizens. Like those who came before you, you always rise to the occasion, and you never, ever let your country down. [...]Yokota Air Base serves as a critical center for coordination between American and Japanese commanders as they plan their missions. For almost 60 years, the military alliance we see on this base has endured a cornerstone of sovereignty, security and prosperity for our nations, this region and indeed, the entire world.
Today we pay tribute to that legacy – a legacy you protect and grow each and every day.We dominate the sky, We dominate the seas, We dominate the land and space – not merely because we have the best equipment, which we do – and, by the way, a lot of it’s coming in ; you saw that budget. That’s a lot different than in the past. A lot of beautiful, brand new equipment is coming in. And nobody makes it like they make it in the United States. Nobody. Got a lot of stuff coming. Use it well.
But because we have – more important than equipment, we have the best people. Each service member embodies the warrior creed. Your devotion, prowess and expertise make you the most fearsome fighting force in the history of our world.
Together with our allies, America’s warriors are prepared to defend our nation using the full range of our unmatched capabilities.No one – no dictator, no regime, and no nation – should underestimate, ever, American resolve. Every once in a while, in the past, they underestimated us. Il was not pleasant for them, was it ? It was not pleasant.
We will never yield, never waver, and never falter in defense of our people, our freedom, and our great American flag. That flag stands for the values of our Republic, the history of our people, the sacrifice of our heroes, and our loyalty to the nation we love.
As long as I am president, the servicemen and women who defend our nation will have the equipment, the resources and the funding they need to secure our homeland, to respond to our enemies quickly and decisively, and when it’s necessary to fight, to overpower and to always, always, always win. Right ? This is the heritage of the American armed forces – the greatest force for peace and justice the world has ever known.Free nations must be strong nations, and we welcome it when our allies – from Europe to Asia – renew their commitment to peace through strength. We seek peace and stability for the nations of the world, including those right here in this region.
[...] Because of patriots like you, freedom will prevail.
Thank you. God bless you. God bless the Armed Forces. And God bless the United States of America. Thank you. Thank you all.
Donald Trump, Remarks by President Trump to Servicemembers at Yokota Air Base, 5 novembre 2017.
→ https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/11/05/remarks-president-trump-servicemembers-yokota-air-base
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