Doc. : l’économie-monde britannique
Consigne : l’analyse du document doit montrer que l’auteur, à travers une énumération de territoires spécialisés dans une mono-production, évoque les conséquences du libre-échangisme et de la révolution industrielle : la domination britannique, mais aussi sa dépendance.
But as we are, unfettered commerce, vindicated by our political economists, and founded on the material basis of our coal resources, has made the several quarters of the globe our willing tributaries. "Though England," it has been truly said, "were one vast rock, where not an acre of corn had never waved, still those four hundred millions of men, whose labour is represented by the machinery of the country, would extort an abundance of corn from all the surrounding states." [H. Fairbairn, Political Economy of Railroads, p. 113.]
The plains of North America and Russia are our corn-fields ; Chicago and Odessa our granaries ; Canada and the Baltic are our timber-forests ; Australasia contains our sheep-farms, and in South America are our herds of oxen ; Peru sends her silver, and the gold of California and Australia flows to London ; the Chinese grow tea for us, and our coffee, sugar, and spice plantations are in all the Indies. Spain and France are our vineyards, and the Mediterranean our fruit-garden ; and our cotton-grounds, which formerly occupied the Southern United States, are now everywhere in the warm regions of the earth.
William Stanley Jevons, The Coal Question : An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal-Mines, Londres, Macmillan & Co., 1865.
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